नमस्कार दोस्तो आज के इस पोस्ट में हम आपको DED SPECIAL EDUCATION  की BOOK pdf के रूप में आपको उपलब्ध करवाएंगे।

ये पेपर डिप्लोमा करने वाले सभी साथियों के लिए कॉमन है जिसमे हम इसे एक जगह ही पढ़ सकते है। 

डिप्लोमा करने वाले सभी साथियों के लिए उपयोगी है। 

इस पोस्ट में आपको DED IDD के पेपर 6 की PDF आपको दी जाएगी । जिसे आप नीचे दिए जा रहे DOWNLOAD BUTTON पर क्लिक करके डाउनलोड कर पाएंगे।

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Paper name :- 


( शिक्षण दृष्टिकोण और रणनीतियाँ )

Course :- DED /IDD 1ST YEAR 


इस पेपर में कितने lesson है ?

Unit 1: Teaching principles and techniques

Unit 2: Individualised Educational Programme and teaching strategies

Unit 3: Teaching strategies for individuals with ASD

Unit 4: Teaching strategies for students with ID

Unit 5: Teaching strategies for students with SLD


इस pdf में आपको ये 5 unit के topic wise नोट्स मिलेंगे ।

जो आपको अपनी तैयारी में मदद करेंगे।


Unit 1: Definition, Meaning and Approaches to Curriculum Development

1.1. Stages of learning – Acquisition, maintenance, fluency and generalization

1.2. Principles of teaching – concrete, iconic/representational, symbolic

1.3 Teaching methods – e.g., multisensory, play way, Montessori, Project, Teaching strategies –

Principles of reinforcement, task analysis, prompting, fading, shaping chaining

1.4. Selection and use of TLM, and Information and communication technology (ICT) for teaching.

1.5. Evaluation – continuous and comprehensive evaluation, progress monitoring and documentation.

Unit 2: Individualised Educational Programme and teaching strategies

2.1. Concept, components of Individualised Educational Programme (IEP) and Individualised family

support programme (IFSP)

2.2. Developing IEP for homebased teaching programme, special school setting and inclusive school

setting. Teaching strategies for group teaching in special schools, individual, small group and large

group instruction

2.3. Class room management - team teaching, shadow teaching, peer tutoring and cooperative learning,

use of positive behavioural intervention strategies (PBIS)

2.4. Teaching strategies for individual with high support needs.

2.5. Teaching strategies for teaching in inclusive schools - Universal design for learning and differentiated instruction.

Unit 3: Teaching strategies for individuals with ASD

3.1. Structure and Visual Support (TEACCH, Structured Teaching)

3.2. Behavioural Strategies and Approaches (e.g., Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA), Verbal

Behaviour Analysis (VBA), Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Reinforcement

3.4. Social Strategies and Approaches (e.g.,social stories, Comic strips, Peer-Mediated Programs)

3.5. Strategies and Approaches (e.g., Learning Experiences and Alternate Program for Pre- schoolers

and their Parents (LEAP), Early Start Denver Model (ESDM), The Joint Attention, Symbolic Play,

Engagement & Regulation (JASPER), Floortime)

3.5. Consideration for Learning and Teaching Methods in ASD

Unit 4: Teaching strategies for students with ID

4.1. Teaching strategies for developing personal and social skills in students with ID including mild

to severe levels of ID, and individuals with high support needs

4.2. Strategies for teaching functional academics. Methods of curricular content and process adaptations

for students with intellectual disabilities

4.3. Management of challenging behaviours – functional assessment (antecedent, behaviour,

consequence), intervention strategies – Token economy, Contingency contracting, Response cost,

over correction, restitution and Differential Reinforcement and other behavioural strategies.

4.4. Group Teaching at various levels – pre-primary,primary levels, development and use of TLM and

ICT for ID

4.5. Various types of Evaluation: Entry level, Formative and Summative, Continuous and

Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) in the Indian educational system

Unit 5: Teaching strategies for students with SLD

5.1 Strategies for teaching reading and comprehension: Multisensory teaching (e.g., Orton -

Gillingham method, Fernald method), spelling rules, error analysis

5.2. Strategies for teaching handwriting (adaptations), spelling (phonics and spelling rules) and

written expression (grammar, ideation, language usage)

5.3. Strategies for teaching math (number facts, computation, application)

5.4. Strategies to develop Metacognition

5.5. Peer-tutoring, co-operative learning, Co-teaching strategies

आपको नोट्स में इन सभी पाठों व इनके भागों के सम्पूर्ण नोट्स आपको इस pdf में मिलेंगे।

ये पेपर idd डिप्लोमा धारी जो अभी 1st year में अध्ययनरत है उन सभी के लिए है । 

PDF की जानकारी 


शिक्षण दृष्टिकोण और रणनीतियाँ )




YEAR ::- 1st year COURSE 





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